(PREVIEW) Chapter One of our book coming out Summer 2020 (Pre-Orders Coming soon)
Now, I (Martin) might have had the advantage of being a graphic designer, but before we moved into the studio together, I did an amateur AutoCAD rendering of our space. We measured with a tape measurer the studio's length and width, and in adobe illustrator, I started drawing up the significant parts of the area like the; bed, dresser, two nightstands and my desk. Yes, I was going to attempt to bring in my full office desk which is rather large. I measured the queen mattress I was bringing over from my old apartment and it measured, sixty inches by eighty inches. I divided a 1/10 scale of the total measurement of the studio as a reference and began trying different layouts on my laptop.
The queen bed was the biggest obstacle in the room, so wherever we placed the bed determined the outcome of the rest of the floor plan. Once, I had an area for the bed I guesstimated the other main components size, in comparison to the queen beds drawing, and made squares and rectangles representing Ashley's dresser, my two wide night tables, and my home office desk. After a couple attempts and some eliminations of other furniture that just didn't fit, we had a layout. As shown below, surprisingly everything pretty much fit precisely to the specifications of the drawing.
Design your nest
“The queen bed was the biggest obstacle in the room, so wherever we placed the bed determined the outcome of the rest of the floor plan.”
We truly found that taking the time to do a rendering of our layout and space helped us establish the best outcome for our design. Think of a studio as a puzzle, each piece connects to make the whole and picture complete. There is no room for error, every inch of space matters! When moving into your nest, plan prior. Take measurements and set up your layout. You will be so happy you took the time to do it, as it will save you time down the road and keep you from playing musical chairs in your space. Good luck and plan accordingly!
Pre Orders coming soon and the link will be here.
Get Inspired
If you're about to make your big move to your smaller minimal living space check out Adobe Illustrator. You can also use draw.io which is a free service. I think I'll start doing some tutorials down the road of this blog to help out this growing community.